Project Survey
The physical object of the research is divided into work sections. Each one includes specific deliverables. Their scope and duration are described and included in the official technical annex.
The Project includes the following main stages:
1) Initially, the Company will select ( based on international market research and applies technology) two design areas for reversible pump/turbines, with considerable commercial interest and applicability prospects.
2) In these areas two corresponding reversible machines will be parametrically designed and optimized, using advanced computational fluid dynamics and numerical optimization tools. The design optimization procedure will be carried out for two concurrent goals: Maximize efficiency and minimize impact on passing fish fauna in both directions.
3) The Company will select one particular machine from each family of optimal solutions (Pareto fronts) and will construct two corresponding complete models. The models will be installed in specially configured test rigs in order to measure in detail their operating behavior within a load range, and to validate the reliability and accuracy of the design methodology.
4) At the same time, important innovative tools will be developed to support this new product and to enhance the know-how of the two Institutions: Development and application of a cavitation diagnosis system and telemetry system for on-line monitoring of machine operation. In addition, development of an innovative computational tool that simulates the fish passage through a hydrodynamic machine and correlates with biological data, aiming at creating a general index of assessment of the fish-friendly performance in the machine, depending on its design and the fish species of a specific site.
5) Publication and promotion of the new product at the international markets. As long as, promotion of DPPUMPS and LHT capabilities in specialized research and production for innovational projects.